Université nationale An-Najah (ANU)

Territoires palestiniens, Naplouse , PO Box 7 Omar Ibn Al-Khattab Street 00972

Fondée en 1918 sous le nom d'école An-Najah Nabulsi, elle a acquis le statut et le titre actuels en 1977.

Financement: Public
Notes 3
Langues 2
Divisions 30
  • Conditions d'admission: Undergraduate admissions occur through Tertiary Matriculation Examination (UTME) or Direct Entry (DE). UTME Candidates must hold one of the following qualifications: General Certificate of Eduction (GCE) ordinary level, Senior Secondary Certificate Examination (SSCE), National Business and Technical Examination Board Certificate (NABTEB), National Examination Council Certificate (NECO), Teachers Grade II Certificate, passed with at least five credits, which must include English Language and Mathematics, passed at one or two sittings. DE candidates should possess one of the following qualifications which must also be acceptable to the University: Higher National Diploma (HND), National Certificate in Education (NCE), Ordinary National Diploma (OND, obtained from any recognized institution in at least credit level.

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