Issyk-Kul State University prende il nome da K. Tynystanov

Kirghizistan, Karakol , ul. Abdrahmanova 103

Founded 1940 as Teachers' Institute, reorganized 1953 as Prjevalsk Pedagogical Institute. Attached to Kyrgyz State University 1988. Became independent institution 1992 and acquired present status and title, named after Kasym Tynystanov, the creator of the Kyrgyz Philosophy of the Kyrgyz Republic.

Finanziamento: Pubblico
Riconoscimento: Ministry of Education and Science
Voti 2
Lingue 1
Dipartimenti 13
Tassa di iscrizione annua
Valuta locale: USD
65,00 USD65,00 USD
  • Dettagli di ammissione: Secondary school certificate (Atestat o srednem obrazovanii)
La tua valuta: USD
65,00 USD65,00 USD

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