「聖クリメント・オハリツキ」ソフィア大学 (SU)

ブルガリア, ソフィア , 15 Tsar Osvoboditel Blvd.

Founded 1888 as Higher School of Education with one Faculty, reorganized as University 1904 and acquired present title 1905 with the number of Faculties increasing to seven by 1938. Reorganized 1944, when the Faculties of Medicine and Agriculture were detached from the University and established as separate Institutions. Acquired present title and status 2004. A State Institution.

資金: 公共
認証評価: National Agency for Evaluation and Accreditation
成績 3
言語 2
部門 19
現地通貨: EUR
  • 入学に関する詳細情報: Secondary school certificate (diploma za zavarsheno sredno obrazovanie) and entrance examination
あなたの通貨: USD


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