Католический университет Лувена (UCL)

Founded 1425, UCL is one of the oldest universities in the world. Erasmus, Jansenius, Vesalius, Mercator, Georges Lemaître worked or taught at the UCL. In 1970, separation into two distinct universities, the Flemish-speaking one remained on the original site in Leuven. The French-speaking University moved to Wallonia (Louvain-la-Neuve). The faculty of Medicine moved to Brussels.

Финансирование: Нет информации
Степени 3
Языки 1
Подразделения 14
Требования к поступающим
  • Детали приема: Secondary school certificate and entrance examination, or foreign qualifications if recognized under agreement concluded with the Belgian Government. Other foreign qualifications subject to the approval of the faculty concerned
Короткие онлайн-курсы 37

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